Dalcroze Australia : The Summer Scene, 9th-13th January 2023

Summer Scene

Mon, Jan 9, 2023 9:00 AM Fri, Jan 13, 2023 4:30 PM

Carey Baptist Grammar School (map)

The Dalcroze Australia Summer School is back! Join us for The Summer Scene in Melbourne, Australia, 9-13 January 2023.


Dalcroze Eurhythmics is a unique approach to music based on the premise that the human body is the source of all musical ideas. It provides a concrete approach (movement) to an abstract art (music). In learning about time, space, energy, weight, and balance through movement, we develop a framework with which to approach the same elements in music. Dalcroze Eurhythmics has a three-part structure, consisting of Rhythmics (which engages the whole body in the physical exploration of musical elements), Ear and Voice (the study of pitch through ear training and sight-singing) and Improvisation.


The Summer Scene gives music educators and performers the opportunity to enrich their practice by developing their personal musicianship skills and discovering new tools for teaching and learning using movement, singing and improvisation. The Summer Scene offers an introduction to the approach for those new to Dalcroze, and separate streams for participants who have prior Dalcroze experience. Each day includes sessions in Movement, Rhythmics, Ear and Voice, and Improvisation, and will address the application of Dalcroze to a variety of specific contexts. Come prepared to move, sing, play and create, and bring your instrument! Light morning tea refreshments provided. Participants should provide their own lunch.


In 2023 we are pleased to welcome to Australia international guest teachers Kaye Barker (Diplôme Sup. Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva), UK, and Jerison Harper Lee (HEM, Geneva), Singapore, who will teach alongside Australian Dr Sandra Nash (Diplôme Sup. Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva), Madeline Hagon (Dalcroze Cert.), Katherine Smith (Dalcroze Cert.) and Jane Andrewartha (Movement specialist). Visit our Teachers Page for more information.

Registrations close 9 December 2022.

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