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Aportaciones teóricas y metodológicas a la educación musical: Una selección de autores relevantes
Del Bianco, Silvia

Capítulo: “Jaques-Dalcroze”. Ed. Graó. Barcelona 2007

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
Arbeit und Rhythmus
Bücher, Karl

Reprint. Georg Kallmeyer Verlag Wolfenbüttel 1982

Language | German
Country | Germany
Arte y creatividad, un matrimonio bien avenido.
Arús Leita, M. Eugenia

En REVISTA AULA. De innovación educativa. Núm. 242. 2015 Disponible en

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
Att röra sig med instrument, en omöjlighet? Integrering av rytmikämnet på enskilda instrumentallektioner.
Samuelsson, Rickard

Musikhögskolan/Örebro universitet. 2013

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Att röra vid sång – En studie om rytmikpedagogers syn på integrering av rytmik i sångundervisningen.
Karlsson, Heidi

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2012

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Att utmana elevers kreativitet – En aktionsforskningsstudie av lärarens roll i dansimprovisationsundervisning.
Kugelberg, Clara

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2011

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Att vara i rytmiken är att vara i ögonblicket: en vetenskaplig essä om rytmikens betydelse för barns utveckling.
Murua, Synnöve

Lärarutbildningen, Södertörns högskola.2012

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Audio library and pedagogical guide for musical teaching
Language | English | French
Country | Canada
Bewegung in der Musik. Eine transdisziplinre Perspektive auf ein musikimmanentes Phänomen.
Leonhardmair, Teresa

Bielefeld 2014. (Book and E-book)

Language | German
Country | Germany
Crear o improvisar con movimiento y música
Arús Leita, M. Eugenia y otros

En Creatividad y educación musical: actualizaciones y contextos, 32-43. Dinsic Distribucions Musicals. Barcelona 201

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
Dalcroze and piano playing
Michell, Brian

A Thesis for the Degree of Master of Music Education in the Univ. Western Australia, 1989

Language | English
Country | Australia
Dalcroze connections

Dalcroze Society of America

Read the magazine of the DSA, which features interviews, announcements, articles, and more for the Dalcroze community.
Volume 6 part 1 and 2 are dedicated to Latin America.

Language | English, Spanish
Country | United States
Dalcroze Eurhythmics in music therapy and special music education
Habron, John

Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy: “Dalcroze Eurhythmics in music therapy and special music education”. Guest editor: John Habron. Volume 8, issue 2, 2016

Language | English
Country | United Kingdom
Dalcroze Eurhythmics in Today’s Music Classroom
Mead, Virginia

New York: Schott, 1994

Language | English
Country | United States
Dalcroze Handbook: Principles and Guidelines for Teaching
Vanderspar, Elisabeth


Language | English
Country | United Kingdom
Dalcroze today: an education through and into music
Bachmann, Marie-Laure

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève

Language | English
Country | Switzerland
Das rhythmische Prinzip
Frohne, Isabelle

Grundlagen, Formen und Realisationsbeispiele in Therapie und Pädagogikeres edition, Lilienthal 1981

Language | German
Country | Germany
Die Welt be-greifen; Bewegungsarbeit und Rhythmik mit geistig behinderten Kindern
Danuser-Zogg, Elisabeth

Academia Verlag, St.Augustin 1995

Language | German
Country | Switzerland
Dynamische Pädagogik
Feudel, Elfriede

Reprint. Georg Kallmeyer Verlag Wolfenbüttel 1982

Language | German
Country | Germany
Écrits sur la Rythmique et pour les rythmiciens, les pédagogues, les musiciens
Martin, Frank

Genève: Ed. Papillon, 1995. Rythmique. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Geneve


Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Educación del sentido rítmico
Compagnon, Germaine / Thomet, Maurise

Ed. Kapelusz, Buenos Aires, 1975 (2º Ed)

Language | Spanish
Country | Argentina
El aporte de la rítmica Jaques-Dalcroze en la edad preescolar.
Del Bianco, Silvia / Rodrigues, Iramar

En REVISTA EUFONIA. Didáctica de la Música Núm. 069. 2013. Disponible en

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
El compás, algunos de sus elementos musicales utilizando el movimiento, el espacio y materiales.
Del Bianco, Silvia

En REVISTA EUFONÍA. Didáctica de la Música Núm. 047. 2009. Disponible en

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
El Ritmo en la educación y formación general de la infancia
Llongueras, Juan

Ed. Labor, Barcelona.1942

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
En studie i hur man kan arbeta med musik ur ett rytmikpedagogiskt perspektiv för att uppleva matematik – ”Matte är ju att ha en förståelse för att vara en del av hela jordklotet.”
Westerberg, Karin

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2011

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Enseigner la rythmique dans un conservatoire
Bachmann, Marie-Laure

IJD Magazine, 2005.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Entdeckungsreise Rhythmik, Don Bosco
Edleditsch, Helga

München 1998

Language | German
Country | Germany
Et caetera, les débuts de l'improvisation au piano
Porte, Dominique

The beginnins in piano improvisation.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Ett o-herrans liv i Rytmikens tjänst – att utveckla och forma en musikpedagogik
Vernersson, Ann-Krestin

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. (2013/2016)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Fête de la rythmique 60+ : Quelles frontières ont-elles été traversées ?
Oppliger Mercado, Catherine – Zaugg Brunner, Arielle

Le Rythme, “Crossing Boundaries”, FIER, 2023.

PDF File

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Fließen und Schneiden. Zeiterleben durch Rhythmus.
Weise, Dorothea

In: hybrid talk: 5 Vorträge à 10 Minuten von Wissenschaftler*innen und Künstler*innen zum Thema Zeit. Berlin 2017.

(last visited on 09 September 2017).

Language | German
Country | Germany
Grundlagen und Perspektiven ästhetischer und rhythmischer
Bannmüller, Eva / Röthig, Peter

Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 1990

Language | German
Country | Germany
Heather Gell’s Lessons in Music through Movement
Gell, Heather

Australia: Joan Pope, 1997. J. Pope

Language | English
Country | Australia
Heather Gell’s Thoughts on Dalcroze Eurhythmics and Music Through Movement
Gell, Heather

Australia: Joan Pope, 1996. J. Pope

Language | English
Country | Australia
Helfen durch Rhythmik; Verhaltensauffällige Kinder erkennen, verstehen, richtig behandeln
Klöppel, Renate / Vliex, Sabine

Herder Verlag, Freiburg 1992

Language | German
Country | Germany
Hur kan rytmikpedagogiken berika verksamheterna inom Svenska Kyrkan? – En kvalitativ studie av fyra pedagogers erfarenheter, reflektioner och visioner av rytmik i Svenska Kyrkan.
Wallinder, Maria

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2011

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Ich-Wir-Wohin? Differenzierung menschlichen Verhaltens durch Rhythmik
Konrad, Rudolf / Riefenstahl, Peter / Zacharias, Gerhard

Verlag Goebecke & Heinemann GmbH, Braunschweig 1972

Language | German
Country | Germany
Initiation au piano par l'improvisation (I.P.I.)
Morgenegg, Sylvie

Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva,1987. Final essay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Instrumentalrytmik. En studie av instrumentalpedagogers syn på lärandet i instrumentalrytmik och vad den kan ge eleverna på kortare och längre sikt.
Amin, Karin

Högskolan för scen och musik/Göteborgs universitet. 2016

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Interaction Rhythms
Davis, Martha

New York: Human Science Press, 1982. L. Parker

Language | English
Country | United States
Bertolotto, Italo

Första upplagan 1973. Stockholms universitet, Musikvetenskapliga institutionen. (1984)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Kropp, görande och varande i musik – en fenomenologisk studie.
Österling Brunström, Johanna

Doctoral dissertation. Örebro universitet. (2015)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Kroppen hänger ihop med rösten – Fem sångpedagoger beskriver sin användning av Rytmikmetoden i individuell sångundervisning.
Boström, Josefin

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2015.

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
L’éducation corporelle dans l’enseignement de la Rythmique : parallèles entre les méthodes d’Emile Jaques‐Dalcroze et de Rudolf Laban
Nicolet, Hélène

Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva, 2013. FInal assay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
La incidencia emocional de la música corporal como conductora educativa en la etapa infantil.
Arús Leita, M. Eugenia

Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Barcelona. Pdf files online

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
La rítmica como trabajo interdisciplinario de música y danza.
Arús Leita, M. Eugenia / Pérez Testor, Susana

En REVISTA EUFONÍA. Didáctica de la Música Núm. 036. 2006. Disponible en

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
La rítmica Jaques-Dalcroze, una propuesta para seniors.
Del Bianco, Silvia

En REVISTA EUFONÍA. Didáctica de la Música Núm. 067. 2016. Disponible en

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
La Rítmica Jaques-Dalcroze: Una educación por la música y para la música.
Bachmann, Marie-Laure

Ed. Pirámide. Madrid. 1998

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
La rythmique Jaques-Dalcroze : racines d’une pratique encore en mouvement / Dalcroze Eurhythmics : Roots of a practice still in movement
Brice Mary / Gianadda Ruth / Nicolet Hélène

Including 75 minutes of video from “Le cours des dames”.

Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, 2019.

Language | English | French
Country | Switzerland
La rythmique Jaques-Dalcroze au service du chef de chœur
Rochat-Martinet, Pascale

Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva,1995. FInal assay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
La rythmique Jaques-Dalcroze dans les écoles primaires genevoises: une approche didactique
Brice, Mary

Université de Genève. Thèse de doctorat, 2014. Pdf Files online

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
La Rythmique Jaques-Dalcroze, une éducation par la musique et pour la musique
Bachmann, Marie-Laure

Neuchâtel: La Baconnière, 1984. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
La rythmique le solfège… un chemin vers la musique / Rhythmics, solfege… a path toward music
Weber, Mireille

Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, 2019.

Language | English | French
Country | Switzerland
Le ”6e sens” de Dalcroze : si présent et si peu conscientisé !
Croset, Christine

Le Rythme, “Crossing Boundaries”, FIER, 2023.

PDF File

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Le cours des dames
Brice Mary / Gianadda Ruth / Nicolet Hélène


Language | English | French
Country | Switzerland
Lebendiges Lernen durch Musik, Bewegung, Sprache
Witoszynskyi, Eleonore / Bankl, Irmgard / Mayr, Monika

G & G Verlagsgesellschaft, Wien 2009

Language | German
Country | Austria
Les fondements théoriques de la rythmique Jaques-Dalcroze à l'appui de l'identité du rythmicien
Bachmann, Marie-Laure

Oral exposition to present the book “Dalcroze today: an education through and into music”. Geneva, 1985.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Lexikon der Rhythmik
Ring, Reinhard / Steinmann, Brigitte

Gustav Bosse, Kassel 1997

Language | German
Country | Germany
Livres de piano, solfège, chansons, catalogue, musique enregistrée…
Émile Jaques-Dalcroze


Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Long-term practice of Jaques-Dalcroze eurhythmics prevents age-related increase of gait variability under a dual task.
Kressig, Reto W. /Allali, Gilles / Beauchet, Olivier

2005: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Language | English
Country | Switzerland
Manual Jaques-Dalcroze: Principios y recomendaciones para la enseñanza de la Rítmica
Vanderspar, Elisabeth

Ed. Pilar Llongueras. Barcelona 1990

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
Manuel Jaques-Dalcroze. Principes et recommandations pour l’enseignement de la rythmique.
Vanderspar, Elisabeth

1985 Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Much ado about movement – a life in Eurhythmics Developing and shaping a pedagogy for music education
Vernersson, Ann-Krestin
Language | English
Country | Sweden
Música en el cuerpo.

En REVISTA EUFONÍA. Didáctica de la Música Núm. 067. 2016. Disponible en…erpo

Language | Spanish
Country | Spain
Musik i rörelse. Fyra lärares uppfattning om och användande av rörelse vid lärande i musik på estetiska programmet, inriktning musik.
Österling Brunström, Johanna

Magisteruppsats vid Musikhögskolan/Örebro universitet (2010)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Musik und Bewegung, Struktur und Dynamik der Unterrichtsgestaltung
Danuser-Zogg, Elisabeth

Academia Verlag, St.Augustin 2002

Language | German
Country | Switzerland
Musik und Körper: Interdisziplinäre Dialoge zum körperlichen Erleben und Verstehen von Musik
Oberhaus, Lars & Stange, Christoph (Hg.):

Bielefeld 2017. (Book and E-book)

Language | German
Country | Germany
Musik und Rhythmik in der Sprachförderung.
Zaiser, Dierk

Expertise im Auftrag des Deutschen Jugendinstituts DJI München 2006.

(last visited on 09 September 2017)

Language | German
Country | Germany
Musiken och rytmiken i praktiken
Gottberg, Jessica

Stockholm: Sveriges utbildningsradio. (2009)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Pédagogie de tous les possibles… La Rythmique Jaques-Dalcroze
Brice, Mary

Genève: Ed. Papillon, 2003. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Pédagogie, art et science: l'apprentissage par et pour la musique selon la méthode Jaques-Dalcroze
Directeur éditorial: Del Bianco, Silvia/Morgenegg, Sylvie/Nicolet, Hélène
Haute école de Musique, Genève. Seize articles en français ou en anglais (chacun suivi d’un résumé dans l’autre langue) tirés des communications qui se sont tenues lors du dernier congrès international de l’ijd, à l’été 2015.
Pour commander l’ouvrage :
Haute Ecole de Musique, Geneva. Sixteen articles in French or English (each followed by an abstract in the other language) from the presentations held during the last international ijd congress, in Summer 2015.
To order the book:
Language | English | French
Country | Switzerland
Por Dalcroze y para Dalcroze: Homenaje al pensamiento creativo del pedagogo suizo a 150 años de su nacimiento.
Sánchez, Lilia

En Enseñar Música.
Revista panamericana de investigación.
Año 3 Nº 2. 50-62. Publicación del Departamento de Artes Musicales y Sonoras de la Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Buenos Aires. 2015.
Disponible en http://www.artesm…

Language | Spanish
Country | Argentina
Prévention des chutes par une méthode d’exercice en musique (rythmique Jaques-Dalcroze)
Andrea Trombetti, Mélany Hars, François Herrmann, Serge Ferrari, René Rizzoli, Reto Kressig

2011: Revue Medicale Suisse.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Pursuing a Jaques-Dalcroze Education-Solfège
Stevenson, Jack

Volume I – Major Mode, Lower Pitch Sets & The Pure Rhythmic Modes. Institute for Jaques-Dalcroze Education, LLC, 2014, eBook available on Apple iBooks store and on Amazon Kindle

Language | English
Country | United States
Relación de la Rítmica Dalcroze con la moderna psicomotricidad.
Torres, Mercedes

Publicación de la Fundación Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. Buenos Aires 1972

Language | Spanish
Country | Argentina
RGRM utifrån rytmik: En studie om det förkroppsligande lärandet genom puls och rörelse i grundskolan.
Grimberg, Rebecka

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2012

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Rhythm and Movement: Applications of Dalcroze Eurhythmics
Findlay, Elsa

UK: IMP, 2002

Language | English
Country | United Kingdom
Rhythmic aspects of behavior
Brown, Frederik / Graeber, R. Curtis

Hilldales (N.J.): L. Erlbaum Assoc., 1982. L. Parker

Language | English
Country | United States
Rhythmik - Musik und Bewegung. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven.
Steffen-Wittek, Marianne / Weise, Dorothea /Zaiser, Dierk (ed.)

Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2019 (book and e-book)

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmik als interaktionspädagogisches Konzept
Schaefer, Gudrun

Waldkauz Verlag, Solingen 1992

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmik als Unterrichtshilfe bei behinderten Kindern
Neira-Zugasti, Helga

Jugend und Volk, Wien-München 1989

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmik für alle Sinne
Peter-Führe, Susanne

Herder Verlag, Freiburg 1994

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmik in Elementar-, Primär- und Sonderschulbereich
Stabe, Eva Roswitha

Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern 1996

Language | German
Country | Switzerland
Rhythmik und Elementare Musikpraxis
Steinmann, Brigitte

Ein historischer Abriss und eine kurze Betrachtung der heutigen Situation der beiden Fächer.

(last visited 9th of September 2017)

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmik zwischen Pädagogik und Psychotherapie
Friedrich-Barthel, Marita

Eschborn bei Frankfurt (Main). Fachbuchhandlung für Psychologie, Verl.-Abt., 1985

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmik, die musikalische Bewegung
Ring, Reinhard

Waldkauz Verlag, Solingen 1990

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmik; Theorie und Praxis der körperlich – musikalischen Erziehung
Feudel, Elfriede

München 1926. Georg Kallmeyer Verlag Wolfenbüttel 1982

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmisch-musikalische Erziehung
Tervooren, Helga

Begegnungen und Erfahrungen mit Kindern. Athena Verlag Oberhausen 2004

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmische Erziehung
Siegenthaler, Hermann / Zihlmann, Hans

Comenius Verlag, Hitzkirch/Luzern 1982

Language | German
Country | Switzerland
Rhythmische Erziehung in der Grundschule
Krause-Wichert, Hannelore / Schilling, Erika

Dekla Verlag, Hannover 1994. Vertrieb: Berenberg’sche Druckerei GmbH. Sedanstraße 35, D-30161 Hannover

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmische Menschen werden
Tervooren, Helga

Eine anthropologisch-pädagogische Studie. Athena Verlag Oberhausen 2005

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmus und Performance
Zaiser, Dierk

Kulturprojekte als Chance für sozial benachteiligte und straffällige Jugendliche. München 2011

Language | German
Country | Germany
Rhythmus, Musik, Erziehung
Jaques-Dalcroze, Émile

Genf-Wolfenbüttel 1977

Language | German
Country | Switzerland
Rythmique et Arts de la Scene
Irene, Haussamann

Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva,1994. Final assay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Superieur.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Rythmique Senior 達克羅士‧樂齡
Shieh, Mindy

Published in 2020.

The book includes 36 exercises of quick reaction, memory, sense of balance, coordination, muscle strength and improvisation for senior people.

Language | Chinese
Rytmik – lek på allvar. En studie i hur olika människor uppfattar begreppet Rytmik.
Vernersson, Ann-Krestin

Magisteruppsats vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. Master thesis (2003)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Rytmik äger rum I musik
Vernersson, Ann-Krestin

Collection of lessons (2018)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Rytmik i det offentliga rummet: en studie i hur deltagande och upplevelse ser ut vid barn- och ungdomsverksamheter vid Skånes större musikinstitutioner.
Erlingsson, Josefine

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2012

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Rytmik vid högre dansutbildningar – En studie baserad på fyra personers erfarenheter av rytmik- och musikundervisning vid högre dansutbildningar.
Hansen Fimiani, Mena

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2011

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Rytmikens betydelse för barns lärande och utveckling – en studie om hur pedagoger ser på rytmik och dess betydelse för barns lärande och utveckling.
Källner, Viktoria

Göteborgs universitet. 2012

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Rytmikstart. En kvalitativ studie av instrumentalförberedande rytmikundervisning vid en kommunal musikskola samt en kommunal kulturskola.
Levin, Johanna

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2011

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Rytmikundervisning för nybörjare i musik – en kvalitativ studie av instrumentalpedagogers syn på Rytmikpedagogikens möjligheter.
Ek, Emeli

Musikhögskolan i Malmö/Lunds universitet. 2014

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Samlärande i musikundervisning.
Leandersson-Andréas, Elinne

Kungliga musikhögskolan/Institutionen för musik, pedagogik och samhälle.2013

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Selber denken macht klug; Rhythmik, ein gestalterisches Verfahren in der Heilpädagogik
Bühler, Ariane / Thaler, Alice

Edition SZM/SPC, Luzern 2001

Language | German
Country | Switzerland
Selected publications, related to Dalcroze by Marja-Leena Juntunen

Juntunen, M.-L.  2023 in print. Mapping the Dalcroze inspired practices in Finland: Three artist-pedagogues at the Sibelius-Academy in the 20th century.  In J. Habron, J. Laakkonen & S. Odom (eds.) Mapping Dalcroze practice: Historical perspectives on pedagogy, performance and therapy. Boydell.

Juntunen, M.-L. 2022. Movement: An Integral Component of the General Music. In C. R  Abril & B. Gault (Eds.) Teaching General Music: Dimensions of Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University, 299–321.

Juntunen, M.-L. 2020. Ways to enhance embodied learning in Dalcroze-inspired music education. International Journal of Music in Early Childhood 15(1), 39–59.

Juntunen, M.-L. 2019. Dalcroze Eurhythmics – a method, an approach, a pedagogy, or a philosophy? Le Rythme, 49–59. Luettavissa:

Juntunen, M.-L. & Eisenreich, C. 2019. Assessment in the Dalcroze pedagogy. In T. S.  Brophy (ed.) Handbook of Assessment Policy and Practice in Music Education, Volume 2: The United States, Classroom Practice, and Technology. Part 2: The Assessment of Classroom Music Learning. Chapter 23. The Oxford University Press, 561–590.

Juntunen, M.-L. 2016. The Dalcroze Approach: Experiencing and Knowing Music through the Embodied Exploration. In C. R Abril & B. Gault (Eds.) Approaches to Teaching General Music: Methods, Issues, and Viewpoints. Oxford University Press, 141–167.

Westerlund, H. & Juntunen, M.-L. 2005. Music and knowledge in bodily experience: Dalcroze’s challenge to David Elliott. In: Elliott D (ed) Praxial music education: Reflections and dialogues. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 112-122.

Juntunen, M-L. 2004. Embodiment in Dalcroze Eurhythmics. Dissertation. University of Oulu.

Juntunen, M.-L. & Hyvönen, L. 2004. Embodiment in musical knowing – How body movement  facilitates learning within Dalcroze Eurhythmics. British Journal of Music Education 21(2): 1-16.

Juntunen, M.-L. 2002. The practical applications of Dalcroze Eurhythmics. Nordic Research in  Music Education Yearbook Vol. 6, 75-92.

Juntunen, M.-L. & Westerlund, H. 2001. Digging Dalcroze, or, dissolving the mind-body dualism:philosophical and practical remarks on the musical body in action. Music Education Research, 3(2), 203-214.

Language | English
Country | Finland
Sensing and Feeling, a path in rhythmics through musical contrasts
Loiacono, Ava

EDUP, 2012

Language | English
Country | Italy
Sentire e Provare, un percorso di ritmica attraverso i contrasti musicali
Ava Loiacono

Edup, 2012.

Language | Italian
Country | Italy
Spela med hela kroppen – rytmik och motorik i undervisningen
Nivbrant Wedin, Eva

Stockholm: Gehrmans Musikförlag. (2012)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Teaching music in rhythmic lessons: theory and practice of the Dalcroze Method
Steinitz, Toni

Tel Aviv: T. Steinitz, 1988

Language | English
Country | United States
Teaching to seniors
et al.

Several ressources about seniors: link.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
The best fit: Methodology, methods, processes and outcomes – a teacher investigates her own practice, in Phenomenological inquiry in education
Greenhead, Karin

In Phenomenological inquiry in education: Theories, practices, provocations and directions  (E. Creely, J. Southcott, K. Carabott and D. Lyons Eds.).  Routledge.  ISBN 9780367250317.

Dec 29, 2020.

Language | English
Country | United Kingdom
The Dalcroze Eurhythmics Method 達克羅士音樂節奏教學法
Shieh, Mindy

The book has includes practical examples of Solfège, Eurhythmics, including notes on Kinesthesia and arm-beating/ conducting, and Piano Improvisation which are based on the comprehensive notebooks of Mindy Shieh’s study in the New York Dalcroze School of Music with the renowned Dr. Hilda Schuster.

Published in 2003.

Language | Chinese
The Dalcroze identity - L'identité dalcrozienne
Le collège de l’Institut Jaques-Dalcroze

Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze, Genève. 2012, réédition 2019.

Language | English | French
Country | Switzerland
The unfolding human potential, Dalcroze Eurhythmics
Brice, Mary

Genève: Edition Papillon, 2005. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève

Language | English
Country | Switzerland
The writings of Emile Jaques-Dalcroze (microform): toward a theory for the performance of musical rhythm
Moore, Stephen

Thesis (Indiana University), 1992

Language | English
Country | United States
Theatre with music (Theater mit Musik)
Zaiser, Dierk

Inclusion project with music students and mentally disabled adults at the State University of Music Trossingen (Germany). Third-party funded grant by Aktion Mensch. Project management: Prof. Dr. Dierk Zaiser. 2017-2019.


Language | German
Country | Germany
Trois conférences
Bachmann, Marie-Laure

Geneva University, 1996. Athens, 1996. Bienne, 1995. Institut Jaques-Dalcroze Ed.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Utveckla språket med musik – Rörliga rytmer och toner att ta på
Nivbrant Wedin, Eva

(2013) Hestra: Isaberg Förlag.

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden
Vad är rytmik? AB Nordiska Musikförlaget
Von Bülow, Gerda

Edition Wilhelm Hansen. Vernersson, Ann-Krestin (1974)

Language | Swedish
Country | Sweden

Cuadernos de Arte Dramático Año II Nº 10 Publicación del Centro de Estudios de Arte Dramático Teatro Escuela Fray Mocho. Buenos Aires. 1954. Recopilación de artículos sobre la Rítmica: • La Rítmica y el Actor. George Pitoieff • ¿Qué es la Rítmica? Ernest Ansermet • Principios y finalidad de la Gimnasia Rítmica. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze • Iniciación al Ritmo. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze • Método Integral: ejercicios de Rítmica y Solfeo. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze • El Ritmo y la imaginación creadora. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze • La Rítmica y el Gesto. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. • La Rítmica y la Plástica Animada. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. • El Ritmo y el balance del espíritu. León Weber Bauler

Language | Spanish
Country | Argentina
Vers une application des principes dalcroziens à l'enseignement du piano
Del Bianco, Silvia

Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva, 1987. Final assay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.

Language | French
Country | Switzerland
Wahrnehmungsförderung durch Rhythmik und Musik
Hirler, Sabine

Herder, Freiburg 1999

Language | German
Country | Germany
Was ist Rhythmik?
Steinmann, Brigitte

Gustav Bosse, Regensburg 1979

Language | German
Country | Germany
Wege nach Hellerau; Auf den Spuren der Rhythmik
Lorenz, Karl

Hellerau Verlag Dresden 1994

Language | German
Country | Germany
Zur Theorie und Praxis der Rhythmischen Erziehung
Hoellering, Amélie

Marhold, Berlin 1986

Language | German
Country | Germany
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