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Lombard, Françoise
Dalcroze Society of America
Read the magazine of the DSA, which features interviews, announcements, articles, and more for the Dalcroze community.
Volume 6 part 1 and 2 are dedicated to Latin America.
Habron, John
Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy: “Dalcroze Eurhythmics in music therapy and special music education”. Guest editor: John Habron. Volume 8, issue 2, 2016
Mead, Virginia
New York: Schott, 1994
Vanderspar, Elisabeth
Bachmann, Marie-Laure
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève
Danuser-Zogg, Elisabeth
Academia Verlag, St.Augustin 1995
Martin, Frank
Genève: Ed. Papillon, 1995. Rythmique. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Geneve
Porte, Dominique
The beginnins in piano improvisation.
Oppliger Mercado, Catherine – Zaugg Brunner, Arielle
Le Rythme, “Crossing Boundaries”, FIER, 2023.
Weise, Dorothea
In: hybrid talk: 5 Vorträge à 10 Minuten von Wissenschaftler*innen und Künstler*innen zum Thema Zeit. Berlin 2017.
(last visited on 09 September 2017).
Morgenegg, Sylvie
Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva,1987. Final essay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.
Davis, Martha
New York: Human Science Press, 1982. L. Parker
Nicolet, Hélène
Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva, 2013. FInal assay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.
Arús Leita, M. Eugenia
Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Barcelona. Pdf files online
Brice Mary / Gianadda Ruth / Nicolet Hélène
Including 75 minutes of video from “Le cours des dames”.
Institut Jaques-Dalcroze, 2019.
Rochat-Martinet, Pascale
Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva,1995. FInal assay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.
Brice, Mary
Université de Genève. Thèse de doctorat, 2014. Pdf Files online
Bachmann, Marie-Laure
Neuchâtel: La Baconnière, 1984. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève
Brice Mary / Gianadda Ruth / Nicolet Hélène
Bachmann, Marie-Laure
Oral exposition to present the book “Dalcroze today: an education through and into music”. Geneva, 1985.
Émile Jaques-Dalcroze
Kressig, Reto W. /Allali, Gilles / Beauchet, Olivier
2005: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Vanderspar, Elisabeth
1985 Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève
En REVISTA EUFONÍA. Didáctica de la Música Núm. 067. 2016. Disponible en…erpo
Danuser-Zogg, Elisabeth
Academia Verlag, St.Augustin 2002
Zaiser, Dierk
Expertise im Auftrag des Deutschen Jugendinstituts DJI München 2006.
(last visited on 09 September 2017)
Brice, Mary
Genève: Ed. Papillon, 2003. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève
Directeur éditorial: Del Bianco, Silvia/Morgenegg, Sylvie/Nicolet, Hélène
Sánchez, Lilia
En Enseñar Música.
Revista panamericana de investigación.
Año 3 Nº 2. 50-62. Publicación del Departamento de Artes Musicales y Sonoras de la Universidad Nacional de las Artes. Buenos Aires. 2015.
Disponible en http://www.artesm…
Andrea Trombetti, Mélany Hars, François Herrmann, Serge Ferrari, René Rizzoli, Reto Kressig
2011: Revue Medicale Suisse.
Stevenson, Jack
Volume I – Major Mode, Lower Pitch Sets & The Pure Rhythmic Modes. Institute for Jaques-Dalcroze Education, LLC, 2014, eBook available on Apple iBooks store and on Amazon Kindle
Findlay, Elsa
UK: IMP, 2002
Brown, Frederik / Graeber, R. Curtis
Hilldales (N.J.): L. Erlbaum Assoc., 1982. L. Parker
Stabe, Eva Roswitha
Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern 1996
Siegenthaler, Hermann / Zihlmann, Hans
Comenius Verlag, Hitzkirch/Luzern 1982
Jaques-Dalcroze, Émile
Genf-Wolfenbüttel 1977
Irene, Haussamann
Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva,1994. Final assay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Superieur.
Shieh, Mindy
Published in 2020.
The book includes 36 exercises of quick reaction, memory, sense of balance, coordination, muscle strength and improvisation for senior people.
Bühler, Ariane / Thaler, Alice
Edition SZM/SPC, Luzern 2001
Juntunen, M.-L. 2023 in print. Mapping the Dalcroze inspired practices in Finland: Three artist-pedagogues at the Sibelius-Academy in the 20th century. In J. Habron, J. Laakkonen & S. Odom (eds.) Mapping Dalcroze practice: Historical perspectives on pedagogy, performance and therapy. Boydell.
Juntunen, M.-L. 2022. Movement: An Integral Component of the General Music. In C. R Abril & B. Gault (Eds.) Teaching General Music: Dimensions of Practice. New York, NY: Oxford University, 299–321.
Juntunen, M.-L. 2020. Ways to enhance embodied learning in Dalcroze-inspired music education. International Journal of Music in Early Childhood 15(1), 39–59.
Juntunen, M.-L. 2019. Dalcroze Eurhythmics – a method, an approach, a pedagogy, or a philosophy? Le Rythme, 49–59. Luettavissa:
Juntunen, M.-L. & Eisenreich, C. 2019. Assessment in the Dalcroze pedagogy. In T. S. Brophy (ed.) Handbook of Assessment Policy and Practice in Music Education, Volume 2: The United States, Classroom Practice, and Technology. Part 2: The Assessment of Classroom Music Learning. Chapter 23. The Oxford University Press, 561–590.
Juntunen, M.-L. 2016. The Dalcroze Approach: Experiencing and Knowing Music through the Embodied Exploration. In C. R Abril & B. Gault (Eds.) Approaches to Teaching General Music: Methods, Issues, and Viewpoints. Oxford University Press, 141–167.
Westerlund, H. & Juntunen, M.-L. 2005. Music and knowledge in bodily experience: Dalcroze’s challenge to David Elliott. In: Elliott D (ed) Praxial music education: Reflections and dialogues. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 112-122.
Juntunen, M-L. 2004. Embodiment in Dalcroze Eurhythmics. Dissertation. University of Oulu.
Juntunen, M.-L. & Hyvönen, L. 2004. Embodiment in musical knowing – How body movement facilitates learning within Dalcroze Eurhythmics. British Journal of Music Education 21(2): 1-16.
Juntunen, M.-L. 2002. The practical applications of Dalcroze Eurhythmics. Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook Vol. 6, 75-92.
Juntunen, M.-L. & Westerlund, H. 2001. Digging Dalcroze, or, dissolving the mind-body dualism:philosophical and practical remarks on the musical body in action. Music Education Research, 3(2), 203-214.
Steinitz, Toni
Tel Aviv: T. Steinitz, 1988
et al.
Several ressources about seniors: link.
Greenhead, Karin
In Phenomenological inquiry in education: Theories, practices, provocations and directions (E. Creely, J. Southcott, K. Carabott and D. Lyons Eds.). Routledge. ISBN 9780367250317.
Dec 29, 2020.
Shieh, Mindy
The book has includes practical examples of Solfège, Eurhythmics, including notes on Kinesthesia and arm-beating/ conducting, and Piano Improvisation which are based on the comprehensive notebooks of Mindy Shieh’s study in the New York Dalcroze School of Music with the renowned Dr. Hilda Schuster.
Published in 2003.
Le collège de l’Institut Jaques-Dalcroze
Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze, Genève. 2012, réédition 2019.
Brice, Mary
Genève: Edition Papillon, 2005. Inst. Jaques-Dalcroze Genève
Moore, Stephen
Thesis (Indiana University), 1992
Zaiser, Dierk
Inclusion project with music students and mentally disabled adults at the State University of Music Trossingen (Germany). Third-party funded grant by Aktion Mensch. Project management: Prof. Dr. Dierk Zaiser. 2017-2019.
Bachmann, Marie-Laure
Geneva University, 1996. Athens, 1996. Bienne, 1995. Institut Jaques-Dalcroze Ed.
Cuadernos de Arte Dramático Año II Nº 10 Publicación del Centro de Estudios de Arte Dramático Teatro Escuela Fray Mocho. Buenos Aires. 1954. Recopilación de artículos sobre la Rítmica: • La Rítmica y el Actor. George Pitoieff • ¿Qué es la Rítmica? Ernest Ansermet • Principios y finalidad de la Gimnasia Rítmica. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze • Iniciación al Ritmo. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze • Método Integral: ejercicios de Rítmica y Solfeo. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze • El Ritmo y la imaginación creadora. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze • La Rítmica y el Gesto. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. • La Rítmica y la Plástica Animada. Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. • El Ritmo y el balance del espíritu. León Weber Bauler
Del Bianco, Silvia
Institut Jaques-Dalcroze. Geneva, 1987. Final assay to obtain the Dalcroze Diplôme Supérieur.