ERASMUS+ PROJECT Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice

Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice
Under the leadership of the Stockholm University of Music (Eva Wedin, Incca Rasmusson) a Strategic Partnership, funded by Erasmus+ is running from October 2020 until July 2023 in cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Hanne Pilgrim, Christoph Falschlunger), the University of the Arts Berlin (Dorothea Weise) and the Adademy of Music Katowice (Barbara Dutkiewicz). The Haute École de Musique Genève is involved with the „Journées Européennes de Rythmique“ in February 2022.
Strategic partnership aim to support the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience ar European level. The project “Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice” will develop so-called \”common modules” on specific topics of Eurhythmics in exchange with teachers and students. The results will be presented as text, video and audio on a digital platform based at the Stockholm University of Music. In addition, topics such as Artistic Research,  Eurhythmics & Inclusion will be worked out specifically and a Joint Master’s program will be developed

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