European project ended with multiplier event in Stockholm

The Erasmus+ funded EEAP project has come to an end after three years with a European conference from 3-5 June 2023 at the University of Music Stockholm. With workshops, lectures and artistic stage presentations, a multifaceted programme was held. The eight different topics from the four participating eurhythmics departments were presented, which were worked on during the project by teachers and students from Katowice, Vienna, Berlin and Stockholm.
As a permanent result, the digital platform “Atlas of Eurhythmics” was presented. It contains to each topic working materials (texts, videos), an outline of the history of eurhythmics from each of the participating countries, a detailed bibliography on the project topics and further information for those interested in studying. Also presented was the planning status for the establishment of a two-year Joint Master’s programme “Eurhythmics in Higher Education”, which is intended to qualify for teaching at university level.

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