Audio library and pedagogical guide for music teaching


Our Swiss-Canadian colleague Francoise Lombard has published the first volume of her audio library project, Pulsation & Locomotion. Her piano-playing together with the visuals is a wonderful inspiring example of what eurhythmics is about, and how enriching is our practice. The video contains 10 exercises, and is now available at: We hope, this project will be appreciated beyond our professional circles, which it deserves to be.

Fabian Bautz
Chairman, FIER
University Lucerne Dept. for Music



Françoise Lombard

I have created an audio library consisting of piano improvisations on various musical themes (pulse, phrasing, metrics, rhythms etc.).

This material has been requested by several music teachers who attend my Dalcroze classes in Montreal and would like their students to benefit from a musical teaching integrating body movement.

After recording a good number of exercises, I asked three colleagues to help me develop a teaching guide for use by these non-Dalcroze teachers.

This is now done! The first volume contains ten exercises and is on sale at Other volumes will follow, at the rate of one every 6 weeks or so.

I will propose online pedagogical meetings in small groups, to further explore, through live exchanges, the possibilities of each improvisation and to adapt the proposals to the needs of each person. The information and a video are on my FaceBook page : Music and Education Françoise Lombard. Registration :

This material does not pretend in any way to be a professional music-movement training. Nevertheless, it could inspire and encourage more advanced training in Dalcroze Eurhythmics.

Participation in the elaboration of the pedagogical guide :    Lisa Parker
Cheng-Feng Lin
Mary Brice


“This is a truly wonderful collection! The beautiful music of Françoise Lombard is perfect for the suggested activity and still she invites the teacher, or the students, to invent other activities and movements.
The selections are short so that no one gets tired. There is always something to listen for!
It can also be used as a study of improvisation – how to play a simple introduction,  develop an idea,  modulate, what makes a good contrast, etcetera.
I recommend it to any classroom music teacher who wants to explore movement as a way to learn to listen.”

Lisa Parker

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