European project ended with multiplier event in Stockholm

The Erasmus+ funded EEAP project has come to an end after three years with a European conference from 3-5 June 2023 at the University of Music Stockholm. With workshops, lectures and artistic stage presentations, a multifaceted programme was held. The eight different topics from the four participating eurhythmics departments were presented, which were worked on

European project ended with multiplier event in Stockholm Read More »


Choreography: Marlies MuijzersA dance about accepting.“When I’m dancing, I just need to be the cellist.” Marlies Muijzers is a Dalcroze and cello teacher based in the Netherlands.Her physical limitation has triggered her creativity and led to the creation of a dance performance. Resilience needs LINK YOUTUBE: Marlies Muijzers received a grant from the


Job advertisement for academic professor of music and movement at Trossingen State University of Music

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, mit der Bitte um Veröffentlichung und Weiterleitung. Das Bewerbungsportal ist ab sofort wieder geöffnet, die aktualisierte Stellenausschreibung findet sich hier Weitere Informationen auf Anfrage Herzlichen Dank und herzliche Grüße Dierk Zaiser Dear colleagues, with the request for publication and forwarding. The application portal is now open again, the updated job advertisement

Job advertisement for academic professor of music and movement at Trossingen State University of Music Read More »

100% Professorship for Rhythmics/Music and Movement in Vienna

100% Professorship for Rhythmics/Music and Movement in Vienna (announcement) The Department of Music and Movement Education/Rhythmics and Music Physiology at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna (mdw) calls for job applications for a 100% professorship for Rhythmics/Music and Movement, starting expected for October 2022. Application deadline is the 16th of June 2021. For more

100% Professorship for Rhythmics/Music and Movement in Vienna Read More »

The 5th International Conference of Dalcroze Studies ICDS5 takes place online, 22 – 23 October 2021: DALCROZE PRACTICE IN DIVERSE CULTURES, COMMUNITIES AND CONTEXTS.

The 5th International Conference of Dalcroze Studies, ICDS5 takes place online, 22 – 23 October 2021 / After the wonderful realization and presentation of ICDS4 in Katovice 2019, this year´s theme is: “Dalcroze practice in diverse cultures, communities and contexts”. The conference is welcoming all those who are interested, and will be relevant to those working in music, education,

The 5th International Conference of Dalcroze Studies ICDS5 takes place online, 22 – 23 October 2021: DALCROZE PRACTICE IN DIVERSE CULTURES, COMMUNITIES AND CONTEXTS. Read More »

ERASMUS+ PROJECT Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice

ERASMUS+ PROJECT Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice Under the leadership of the Stockholm University of Music (Eva Wedin, Incca Rasmusson) a Strategic Partnership, funded by Erasmus+ is running from October 2020 until July 2023 in cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Hanne Pilgrim, Christoph Falschlunger), the University of the Arts

ERASMUS+ PROJECT Eurhythmics in Education and Artistic Practice Read More »

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